Buscamos candidatos para programa de Captación de Talento


The University of A Coruña, looks candidates for 5 postdoctoral positions as research group leaders for a period of at least 4 years to work at research center CITIC (

This preselection process aims to select 5 postdoctoral candidates that will then submit their candidature in the «Research talent attraction Programme” of the regional government of the Xunta de Galicia. CITIC team will assess the selected candidates in the preparation of their candidature to this competitive programme.

Each Galician University will present its candidates whose evaluation will be carried out by experts outside the Galician University System, attending to the curricular merits, their leadership capacity and a work plan to be developed.


CITIC (Centre for Information and Communications Technology Research) is a unique research centre which promotes the advancement and excellence in R&D&Innovation in the use of ICTs.

We are looking for researchers with specific background aligned with one of CITIC’s research areas applied in health, industry 4.0, society, smart cities and energy:

  • Artificial Intelligence: machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing (NLP), robotics, knowledge representation and reasoning.
  • Data science and engineering: big data, information retrieval, data analysis, simulation and optimization
  • High performance computing (HPC): HPC software, big data infrastructure, cloud computing
  • Smart networks and services: 5G wireless communications, IoT connectivity, intelligent transport systems
  • Cybersecurity

The candidates from any nationality should fit the next requirements:

  • Have a research profile that fits in the strategic lines of the CITIC (
  • Have obtained PhD after January 1, 2007 (this period may be extended when circumstances of maternity, paternity, accident, serious illness, or care for people in situations of dependency).
  • Excellent trajectory of minimum of 4 years of postdoctoral experience, of which at least two will have been abroad.
  • Not having been hired in the 24 months prior to the closing of the call by a university, public research organization, health foundation, CSIC center, institution or R & D & I organization, based in Galicia.

 Characteristics of the positions:

  • Distinguished Investigator (article 23 of Law 14/2011) with full-time dedication for 4 years.
  • € Approximately 38.000 € gross salary per year (50.000 € including social and institutional costs).
  • € 40,000 per year of support for the development of the research line.
  • The possibility of collaborating in teaching tasks is not contemplated.
  • They will join the UDC, specifically to the CITIC.

Selection criteria:

Applications will be assessed in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Scientific track record. Applicants will be assessed based on the prominence and influence of their work in scientific journals (citations, impact factor, etc.), scientific and/or specialist books and chapters, conference papers, patents granted and licensed, and any other evidence of the candidate’s contribution to research, including transfer of technology.
  •  International activity. Applicants will be assessed based on their direct participation in international programs, projects and contracts, funding obtained through competitive international grant schemes, and international mobility (including pre- and postdoctoral experience outside of the candidate’s country of origin).
  • Leadership capacity in relation to own line of research and generation of new knowledge, based on professional scientific experience and personal track record. Applicants will be assessed based on their research leadership record (including researcher training and development, lead authorship of scientific publications, PhD supervision, etc.), prominence and influence of their research project (including invitations to international conferences, plenary speaking engagements, prizes, honours and distinctions), fundraising capacity (funding obtained as principal investigator for projects, contracts, etc.), participation in knowledge networks, and any other aspects of the candidate’s record which demonstrate independence, influence and leadership in their line of research.
  • 1 Page proposal of future research project. The research project should be aligned to one of the research areas of the CITIC.


Candidates interested in the positions should send an email containing:

  • A summary letter, outlining the 10 most relevant research results, five of them should be publications in impact journals.
  • A complete CV, including personal contact information.
  • A brief one-page explanation of the future research project aligned to the chosen center.
  • Although is not a requirement, we will appreciate to include a short motivation letter or any recommendation letters.

Deadline of the preselection process

Please submit your e-mail by the 10th January 2020 to