Alba Meijide analyzes responsible innovation in artificial intelligence at CITIC of UDC
- This talk is part of the “Green Convergence for a Sustainable Future” cycle, which is part of the activities promoted by the Inditex-UDC Chair of AI in Green Algorithms.
A Coruña, December 5, 2024.- The University of A Coruña will host the conference “Responsible Innovation” by Alba Meijide, a prominent consultant and AI project designer, on Tuesday, December 10th, at 12:00 PM in the Cloud Room of CITIC (Elviña Campus, s/n). This talk is part of the “Green Convergence for a Sustainable Future” cycle, which is part of the activities promoted by the Inditex-UDC Chair of AI in Green Algorithms, a reference in integrating sustainability into technological development.
Alba Meijide, who holds a degree in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Manchester, has extensive experience in designing AI-based solutions applied to various sectors, such as medicine, health sciences, visual effects, animation, tourism, and the legal field. In her presentation, she will address how sustainability can and should be integrated into the development processes of artificial intelligence.
The talk will delve into how AI can help reduce environmental impact through applications such as fire prediction models or climate change analysis tools. Additionally, lesser-known but equally transformative ways of using AI to improve operational efficiency and sustainability in organizations will be explored.
Alba Meijide will offer practical examples of responsible innovation, reflecting on the importance of efficient design of AI systems and architectures and their positive impact on the transition to more sustainable business models.
Attendance at the event is free and open to the public, but registration is required through this link.
Inditex-UDC Chair of AI in Green Algorithms
The Inditex-UDC Chair of AI in Green Algorithms aims to promote research, innovation, and knowledge transfer in the field of artificial intelligence and green algorithms to contribute to sustainable development and environmental protection. Some specific objectives include:
- Developing training programs in green AI.
- Promoting research and innovation in the field of green AI by identifying challenges and fostering public-private cooperation.
- Facilitating the transfer and exploitation of the chair’s research results through the commercialization of services and products and the creation of spin-offs.
- Promoting the dissemination of research results and knowledge in green AI through the publication of articles and the organization of outreach and citizen science events and activities.
- Consolidating the chair as a reference in the field of green AI at regional, national, and international levels through participation in events and working groups, collaboration with other institutions, and identification of funding opportunities.
A team of 20 people forms the chair, 16 of whom are affiliated with CITIC of UDC. Of the total group, 10 are women and 10 are men. It is a multidisciplinary group, “as is necessary in research on green algorithms,” says the project’s principal investigator, Verónica Bolón, “which requires the support of research groups in the fields of artificial intelligence and computer science, environmental issues, and ethical, social, and economic research.”
For more information, contact the Chair (catedra.inditex.algoritmos.verdes@udc.gal), CITIC, or the Communication Office of the University of A Coruña.