This is a collegiate governing body responsible for developing the centre’s strategic lines. Its most important functions are to promote the evaluation processes of the centre’s R&D&I activity, to propose its affiliation policy and to suggest the criteria for evaluating the scientific activity of its research staff.

Director del CITIC y catedrático del área de Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial de la Universidade da Coruña. Es fundador del Grupo de Investigación de Visión Artificial y Reconocimiento de Patrones, grupo de excelencia por parte de la Xunta de Galicia (VARPA) de la UDC, miembro del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña (INIBIC) y responsable del área de procesado de imagen médica.

Javier Pereira Loureiro is the Deputy Director of CITIC and a senior lecturer in Radiology and Physical Medicine (UDC). He is the coordinator of the TALIONIS research group. He lectures and researches in the area of medical informatics and technology for disability. He was named coordinator of the UDC Master’s in Health Science Bioinformatics and Director of the UDC Handytronic-Telecon Chair.

Amparo Alonso Betanzos is a professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (UDC). She is the coordinator of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Laboratory (LIDIA) research group and has been president of the Spanish Artificial Intelligence Association (AEPIA). She is a Corresponding Member of the Mathematics Section of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain (RAC).

University Professor in the area of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at UDC. He is the coordinator of the Artificial Neuron Networks and Adaptive Systems – Medical Imaging and Radiological Diagnosis group (RNASA – IMEDIR). His lines of research focus on Assistive Technology: ICT in functional diversity and active aging, Medical Informatics and Ontologies, Bioinformatics and Data Mining.

University Professor in the area of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence and Coordinator of the Degree in Data Science and Engineering. She belongs to the research group Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Inteligencia Artificial (LIDIA). Her lines of research focus on knowledge-based systems, development methodologies and validation of knowledge-based systems and computational learning: applications and development of learning algorithms Big Data Learning.

rofessor of Applied Mathematics at the UDC and coordinator of the research group Models and Numerical Methods in Engineering and Applied Sciences (M2NICA). His research interests cover the fields of mathematical models in engineering and applied sciences, partial differential equations, numerical methods and numerical simulation.

University professor in the area of Algebra. He belongs to the Information Retrieval Lab esearch group. His lines of research focus on logical knowledge representation, logic programming and non-monotonic reasoning.

He is a professor at the university in the area of Telematics Engineering. He is coordinator of the Telematics research group. His lines of research are information retrieval, recommendation and cybersecurity.

José Carlos Dafonte Vázquez is a senior lecturer in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence UDC and the coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence Applications (LIA2) research group. His research focuses on artificial intelligence, image processing, hybrid systems, knowledge engineering, intelligent monitoring systems, telemedicine, genetic algorithms, adaptive systems and expert systems.

He is a professor at the university in the area of Systems Engineering and Automation. He is the coordinator of the Cybernetics Science and Technology (CTC) research group. The lines of research in which he focuses his work are knowledge engineering and expert systems for diagnosis and control systems; intelligent systems for modeling, optimization and control; fault and anomaly detection using intelligent techniques; new sensors and virtual sensors.

Juan Touriño Domínguez is a professor of Computer Architecture and Technology (UDC), and the coordinator of the Computer Architecture (GAC) research group. His research interests include high performance computing, parallel and distributed computing, cloud computing, big data, and geographic information systems.

Luis Castedo Ribas is a professor of Signal Theory and Communications (UDC), and the coordinator of the Electronic and Communications Technology (GTEC) research group. His research focuses on signal processing, information theory for wireless communication, and prototyping of wireless communication terminals.

University professor in the area of Computer Architecture and Technology. She belongs to the Computer Architecture Group (GAC). Her research interests focus on high performance computing.

Minia Manteiga Outeiro is a professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics (UDC), and a member of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence Applications (LIA2). Her research focuses on stellar populations and late-stage stellar evolution (planetary nebulae), application of artificial intelligence technologies for the analysis of large astronomical repositories and surveys, big data in astronomy (optical and infrared spectroscopy), and the kinematics of planetary nebulae.

Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa is a professor of Computer Languages and Systems (UDC) and has coordinated the Database Laboratory (LBD) research group since its creation in 1996. Her research interests include compact data structures and algorithms, text retrieval, sequence processing and information systems design. In addition to her teaching and research activities, she has also held numerous administrative posts within the university. She is currently coordinator of the ICT area for international projects of the State Research Agency.

University professor in the area of Criminal Law. She is coordinator of the research group Criminology, Legal Psychology and Criminal Justice in the 21st century (ECRIM). Her research work focuses on cybersecurity and the ethical-legal challenges of artificial intelligence in criminal law.

He is a professor in the area of Statistics and Operations Research at the university and a member of the research group Modeling, Optimization and Statistical Inference (MODES). He is currently president of the CITIC Foundation of Galicia.

Susana Ladra is a senior lecturer in Computer Systems and Languages (UDC), director of the UDC Innova Campus, and a member of the Database Laboratory (LBD) research group. Her research focuses on data compression, data structures, algorithm analysis, algorithms and structures for bioinformatics data, databases, data mining, and information retrieval.

He is tenured at the university in the area of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence and member of the research group Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Inteligencia Artificial (LIDIA). Her research interests focus on feature selection, machine learning, ensembles and big data. She is a member of the Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España and Académica de Número de la Academia Joven de España.