"La imaginación es la facultad del descubrimiento.
Es lo que penetra en los mundos nunca vistos a nuestro alrededor,
los mundos de la ciencia"

Ada Lovelace


The CITIC Technology Demonstrator is a facility designed to communicate and disseminate the research, innovation and knowledge transfer activities carried out at the centre. It displays the results of research projects in different stages of development, such as prototypes, proofs of concept, products in commercialisation and educational material for disemination purposes on robotics, electromagnetism and visual programming. 

The Technology Demonstrator is a unique training facility within Galicia, designed to keep students and research staff in touch with the latest trends in ICT. The purpose of the demonstrator is to disseminate the knowledge and technology created at CITIC among the wider social and economic community. The exhibition space thus invites visitors to learn about the centre’s most significant research projects and creations, and to interact with the different technologies on display. 

Some of the projects currently on display include a computer vision application for the diagnosis of eye pathologies, virtual reality environments for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities, indoor object positioning technologies, an energy-saving monitoring system, an educational robot developed entirely by CITIC research staff, and a replica of a supercomputed built from a stack of eight Raspberry Pis. 

The CITIC Technology Demonstrator is co-financed by the University of A Coruña, the Department of Culture, Education and Universities and the Social Council of the University of A Coruña. 


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