CITIC at UDC, a key player in GRESINT, the interregional consortium for Intelligent Waste Management
- The project, promoted by institutional and technological partners from Galicia and Portugal, aims to develop an AI pilot platform by 2026.
Last week, the Galician Agency for Innovation (GAIN) hosted the launch of the European project GRESINT, led by the public company Sogama, with the participation of the ICT Research Centre (CITIC) of the University of A Coruña. Additionally, Portuguese institutions such as the Association of Municipalities for Sustainable Waste Management of Greater Porto (LIPOR) and the University of Beira Interior (UBI) are involved.
This cutting-edge initiative aims to “enhance packaging classification through intelligent technologies to be tested in three pilot projects at the packaging sorting plants of Sogama and Lipor.” The goal is to take a significant step forward in achieving Europe’s recycling targets.
During this presentation, CITIC researchers Miguel A. Rodríguez Luaces and Carlos Vázquez Regueiro participated alongside Sogama’s CEO, Mirta Sueiro, the manager of LIPOR, and a professor from the University of Beira Interior, who discussed the main aspects of the initiative.
GRESINT: Intelligent Waste Management
The consortium aims to integrate intelligent technologies into the management of lightweight packaging waste, specifically those deposited by citizens in yellow selective collection containers. With a budget of €787,544.67, framed within the third call of the Interreg Spain-Portugal Program (POCTEP 2021-2027), and a duration of 3 years (from July 2023 to June 2026), this project will develop a pilot artificial intelligence platform to enhance the recovery and recycling of packaging. It will include the incorporation of various devices, such as sensors, to enable proactive management of the process and thereby improve the final outcome.
CITIC at UDC is one of the leading partners of the GRESINT consortium in Galicia, along with SOGAMA. In Portugal, participation will involve the Association of Municipalities for Sustainable Waste Management of Greater Porto (LIPOR) and the University of Beira Interior (UBI), located in the city of Covilha.