4th XoveTIC Conference
The 4th XoveTIC Conference, organised by CITIC, is a platform for young pre- and post-doctoral researchers in ICT area to present short papers and posters on the work they are doing. This edition will be celebrated on October 7 and 8, 2021 in online mode.
The aim of the conference is to complement and enhance young researchers’ training by providing them with a space for scientific debate and exchange.
Registration for the conference is free and represents an ideal opportunity for young researchers to share their experiences and network in a friendly, collaborative atmosphere.
Conference contributions may be original or based on research presented or published previously. All contributions will be published in a book of conference proceedings.
Five prizes of 300 € will be granted by the Scientific Committee recognising the quality, excellence and originality of oral presentations.
- Submission of abstracts opens: 10 May, 2021
- Submission of abstracts closes: 25 June, 2021
- Notification of acceptance of proposals: 9 July, 2021
- Registration opens: 9 July, 2021
- Deadline for final version of contributions: 23 July, 2021
- Registration closing: 1 October, 2021
- Conference: 7-8 October
7 October 2021
- 09:00 h – 09:30 h Welcome address
- 09:30 h – 10:15 h Keynote
- 10:15 h – 11:25 h Oral presentations I
- 11:25 h – 11:30 h.- pause
- 11:30 h – 12:30 h.- Oral presentations II
- 12:30 h – 12:40 h.- pause
- 12:40 h – 14:40 h.- Oral presentations III
- 14:40 h – 16:00 h.- Pause
- 16:00 h – 17:00 h.- Oral presentations IV
- 17:00 h – 19:00 h.- Workshops
8 October 2021
- 09:00 h – 09:45 h.- Keynote
- 09:45 h – 11:35 h.- Oral presentations V
- 11:35 h – 11:50 h.- Pause
- 11:50 h – 12:50 h.- Oral presentations VI
- 12:50 h – 12:55 h.- Pause
- 12:55 h – 13:25 h.- Poster session I
- 13:25 h – 13:30 h.- Pause
- 13:30 h – 14:00 h.- Poster session II
- 14:00 h – 15:00 h.- Prizes and closing address