Aligned with the Quality Policy of the UDC, we have implemented a Quality Management System and R & D + i (CITIC R&D&I Policy) in accordance with the ISO 9001: 2015 standards: Quality Management System and UNE-EN ISO 166002: System of Quality Management.
Likewise, we apply inclusive and participatory methodologies in all stages of the research activity carried out at CITIC.

UNE-EN ISO 166002: R+D+i management system, via which the criteria to achieve excellence in R+D+i management, research transfer, innovation culture, technological watch and competitive intelligence are identified.
ISO 9001: Quality Management System. This provides guidelines for effective management and the continued improvement of the centre’s activities. That is, R+D+i management, processes and services or monitoring the fulfillment of expectations.
DNSH: Validation of the DNSH Principle (Do Not Cause Significant Harm to the Environment). Validation statement made by the European Quality Assurance that CITIC does not cause significant harm to the environment.
HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers): CITIC is fully committed with “HR Excellence in Research Award” obtained by the UDC which make progress in aligning our human resources policies to the 40 principles of the Charter & Code of the European Commission.
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI): All the active members of the CITIC community are committed to using inclusive and participative methods at every stage of the process of research and innovation. Not only is this ethically and socially valuable, but it also produces a better science in which research programs are diversified and the complexities of the real world are taken into account.
Ethics Committee on Research and Teaching: The ethical issues related to research activities in the centre have the support and guidance of the UDC’s ethics committee on research and teaching.