The Integrated Engineering Group of the Universidade da Coruña commemorates its 25th anniversary at the Ferrol Campus
The Integrated Engineering Group (GII) of the Univerity of A Coruña celebrated its 25th anniversary event last Friday. The event, held at the Concepción Arenal Auditorium at the Ferrol Campus, brought together over 100 people including researchers, business, and institutions.
Among those present were Ricardo Cao, the UDC Rector and a researcher at CITIC, and Ana Ares, Vice-Rector of the Ferrol Campus and Social Responsibility. Cao highlighted the interdisciplinary nature of the Integrated Engineering Group, with some researchers attached to the Center for Research in Information and Communication Technologies (CITIC) and others to the Center for Research in Naval and Industrial Technologies (CITENI), located on the Ferrol Campus. For her part, Ana Ares highlighted the extensive work accomplished over the last 25 years in the field of educational innovation. The first part of the event concluded with a speech by Richard Duro, the group coordinator and CITIC researcher.
On its 25th anniversary, the Integrated Engineering Group wanted to acknowledge the University of A Coruña, the University of A Coruña Foundation (FUAC), CITIC, CITENI, the UDC-Navantia Joint Research Center (CEMI), and the Supercomputing Center of Galicia (CESGA).
During the event, awards were presented to the youngest research personnel of the group, including José Antonio Becerra Permuy, from CITIC, Arsenio Iglesias and Silvia Fernández. The GII also acknowledged the contributions made throughout their university careers by four of its senior researchers: José Daniel Pena Erías, Alejandro García del Valle, Fernando Junco Ocampo and Fernando López Peña.
A multidisciplinary team
The Integrated Engineering Group of the University of A Coruña comprises a multidisciplinary team of 55 individuals associated with fields of knowledge such as naval and industrial engineering, computing or production organization.
Since its creation in 1999, the Integrated Engineering Group of the UDC has been engaged in areas such as naval engineering, fluid dynamics, industrial organization and production, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Its primary aim is to contribute to the technological advancement within the industry in its immediate environment and to foster the development of internationally recognized doctoral candidates.