The R Chair in Cybersecurity, directed by CITIC researcher Carlos Dafonte, announces a new edition of the awards for the best works in digital cybersecurity
The R Chair in Cybersecurity, directed at the UDC by CITIC researcher Carlos Dafonte, announces the V Awards for the Best Academic and Research Works in Digital Cybersecurity. The main objective of these awards is “the promotion and dissemination of teaching and research activity in the field of cybersecurity”.
Students who had defended their Final Degree Project (TFG), Master’s Thesis (TFM) or Doctoral Thesis during the academic years 2021/22 and 2022/23 in the public universities of the Galician University System may submit their candidatures. In addition, in this edition, research and transfer work carried out in collaboration with companies will also be eligible for the awards.
The awards ceremony will be held during the celebration of the event of the Galician Cybersecurity Node, CIBER.gal, which will take place on November 2 and 3 in the City of Culture of Santiago de Compostela.
Applications can be submitted until October 10, 2023 through the following link.
Check here the rules of the call for applications.
About the Chair R
The R Chair in Digital Cybersecurity was created in December 2018 within the Universities of Vigo and A Coruña with the support of R. It was born with the intention of promoting the development of professional skills of university students, improve training, expand or update knowledge, techniques or skills of members of the university community or other professionals to the needs of the company, promote continuous training, innovation and research in the area of cybersecurity.
One of the objectives of this Chair is to promote activities that allow the creation of spaces for debate and dissemination of teaching and research activities in the field of cybersecurity. In this respect, this call seeks the recognition of the work done by students of the public universities of the Galician University System, through awards for the academic work Final Degree (TFG) and Final Master (TFM) and research work in doctoral theses and transfer to the company.