The Xunta supports the development of research activities at CITIC of UDC
The General Secretariat of Universities of the Xunta de Galicia visited the Center for Research in Information and Communication Technologies (CITIC) at the University of A Coruña (UDC) today to learn firsthand about the cutting-edge projects being developed at this center.
The Secretary General of Universities, José Alberto Díez de Castro; the Director of the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN), Carmen Cotelo Queijo; Irene Bonome Gradaílle, Deputy Director General of University Scientific and Technological Promotion; and Mercedes Vázquez Santamarina, Head of the Research Planning and Structure Service, learned firsthand about the cutting-edge projects being developed at this center.
The day began with a meeting where the Xunta representatives met with the Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer of UDC, Jerónimo Puertas Agudo, and the center’s management team to analyze CITIC’s structure and main lines of action. During this presentation, key topics such as the center’s situation and objectives in terms of industry collaboration and internationalization of its research were addressed, and some of the most relevant projects currently being developed by CITIC researchers were discussed. Following this, researchers from the Steering Committee explained their lines of work and projects.
This meeting takes place in the context of the renewal of the excellence accreditation granted by the Xunta to the Network of University Research Centers of Galicia (CIGUS), of which CITIC is part as one of the 10 excellent centers that make up the network, along with three others of collaborative category.
CITIC representatives highlighted the positive impact of the support received from the Xunta, amounting to more than 2 million euros, within the call for centers of excellence, totaling 6.4 million euros in recent years. These resources have allowed CITIC to consolidate itself as a reference in Galicia in the field of intelligent technologies and knowledge transfer to industry.
During their visit to the center, the Xunta representatives were able to closely observe the work carried out by more than 230 researchers at CITIC.