CITIC and the Joan Monnet Group for Competence and Development (GCD) organize the seminar "Qualifications and Skills in AI and Advanced Digitalization".
Next Tuesday, October 10 at 11:30 am CITIC will host the conference “Qualifications and Skills in AI and Advanced Digitalization”, a debate forum with the aim of addressing how Big Data and Artificial Intelligence can optimize the labor market. Through these tools, new trends can be anticipated, alleviating possible mismatches and facilitating the matching between demand and supply in labor markets.
Fabio Manca, Big Data Coordinator, Directorate for Employment and Social Affairs of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) will give the conference “The demand for Skills in online labor markets: Towards a Big Data approach and new tools for detecting skills shortages and improving matching”. Big Data can take advantage of the information provided by online job postings, using the very keywords of the skills required for the particular job, as well as written information about the job. This data can be used to produce statistics to help detect and analyze changes in skills and qualifications in demand in the labor market.
Zeltia Lado Lago, General Director of Employment Training and Guidance of the Xunta de Galicia will present the project “The Intelligent Employment Initiative (EMI)”. This tool based on Artificial Intelligence is able to synchronize supply and demand in real time. It will allow companies to publish their vacancies simultaneously in the Employment Service and other job portals, completely free of charge, in order to reach the largest number of candidates.
After the guest lectures, the discussion forum will begin. Fabio Manca, Zeltia Lado, Antonio R. del Corral, president of the ICT Cluster of Galicia, Fernando Vázquez, CEO of IMATIA and a member of the Talent Management department of the Technological Institute of Galicia will participate in it.
To attend the debate forum it is mandatory to register through the following link.
11:30 Welcome and coffee break
11:45 Opening and presentation: UDC Institutional Representation, Mr. Manuel G. Penedo (Director of CITIC) and Mr. J. Andrés Faíña (GCD Group).hhhh
12:00 Invited Lecture: “The demand for Skills in online labor markets: Towards a Big Data approach and new tools for detecting skills shortages and improving matching”. Prof. Fabio Manca, Big Data Coordinator, Directorate for Employment and Social Affairs, OECD.
12:25 Guest Project: “The Intelligent Employment Initiative (Emi)” Ms. Zeltia Lado, Director General of Employment Training and Guidance, Xunta de Galicia.
12:45 Discussion forum
- Table of guest speakers and experts: Fabio Manca, Zeltia Lado, Antonio R. del Corral (ICT Cluster), Fernando Vázquez (Imatia) and a guest from the Talent Management department of the Instituto Tecnológico Galicia.
- Interventions by CITIC research groups and other relevant agents of the Galician ecosystem.
- Questions and answers
14:00 End and closing of the event