CITIC hosted the research meeting Elas no prelo III. Women in the world of publishing in Galicia
- CITIC of the Universidade da Coruña hosts a study meeting analyzing the role and functions of women in the Galician publishing world
A Coruña, June 5, 2024: The ICT Research Center (CITIC) of the Universidade da Coruña hosted the research meeting Elas no prelo III. Mulleres no mundo da edición na Galicia (Elas no prelo III: Women in the Galician Publishing World). This event is part of a broader project titled “A edición literaria na Galiza, 1975-2000” (Literary Editing in Galicia, 1975-2000) (PID2020-119605RB-I00), coordinated by Carme Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián, a member of the Galician Linguistic and Literary Research Group (ILLA) at UDC. The event began with an introduction by the project coordinator, María Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa, CITIC researcher, and Manuel F. González Penedo, the center’s director.
The study of women’s roles in editorial projects during this period is a largely unexplored field that deserves recognition. Often invisible due to the characteristics of the publishing industry, their work had significant impact and relevance. This meeting aimed to highlight the contributions and roles women played in the cultural industry in general and the Galician publishing world in particular.
In the first part of the meeting, titled Elas editan: construírmos un catálogo de mulleres no campo editorial (1975-2000) (They Edit: Building a Catalog of Women in the Publishing Field (1975-2000), contributions were made to the ongoing research with the analysis of quantitative data from the sector, as well as the experiences of the main figures. This was followed by the session Editar libros: tres experiencias en primeira persoa (Editing Books: Three First-Hand Experiences), where three women with extensive professional activity in the publishing field—Fabiola Sotelo (Editorial Sotelo Blanco and the first president of the Galician Publishers Association), Beatriz Barandas (Ir Indo Edicións), and Mercedes Queixas (Edicións Laiovento)—shared their experiences and reflections on the sector.
In the final part of the meeting, each of the speakers led a working session. Through extensive personal interviews, they engaged in in-depth dialogues with the project’s research team.
The project team for “A edición literaria na Galiza, 1975-2000” comprises a multidisciplinary group of researchers from UDC: Inma Doval, Xosé R. Freixeiro, Ánxela Lema, Mª Obdulia Luis, J. Antonio Seijas, Iria Sobrino, and Xoán L. Viñas, coordinated by Professor Carme Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián.