CITIC receives more than half of the grants for hiring predoctoral personnel from the Xunta de Galicia awarded to UDC
A total of 14 researchers adhered to CITIC obtained the grants for the hiring of predoctoral personnel from the Xunta granted to the Universidade da Coruña.
The ICT Research Center of the UDC obtained 58.33% of the aid granted to the University of A Coruña, which was awarded a total of 24 contracts with a budget item amounting to 2.7 million.
A detailed analysis of the total applications shows that 15 of them correspond to the branch of knowledge of Engineering and Architecture, in which the researchers of the Research Center for Information and Communication Technologies are included. Of these 15 applications, 10 were granted, representing 66.66% of the total. In addition, all the applications granted in this category are led by members of CITIC. For its part, in the area of Sciences, which also covers researchers from the center, 20 grants were requested, obtaining a total of 8.
The University of A Coruña obtained two budget items from the Xunta de Galicia, one for 426,171.04 euros and the other for more than 2 million euros. These funds will allow the hiring of predoctoral staff and the continuation of research in key fields of Engineering, Architecture and Science.
Campus de Elviña s/n - 15071 A Coruña - España
+34 881 01 5501 - info.citic@udc.gal

PO FEDER Galicia 2021 - 2027
Operations co-financed by the Xunta de Galicia and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund under the thematic objective of "Smarter Europe: innovative economic transformation".