CITIC will host the research meeting Elas no Prelo II. Mulleres no mundo da edición in Galicia
CITIC will host next September 22nd at 10 am the research meeting Elas no prelo II. Mulleres no mundo da edición na Galiza where, continuing with the line of research initiated in 2021, a contribution will be made to the analysis of the participation of women in the Galician publishing world. This meeting is part of the work linked to a broader project entitled “A edición literaria na Galiza, 1975-2000” (PID2020-119605RB-I00), coordinated by Carme Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián.
The study of the role of women in the publishing projects of that period is a little explored field, given the characteristics of the publishing industry, although their work had a great relevance and impact. For this reason, with the elaboration of a first catalog of women active in the sector in mind, this meeting seeks to project to the public this task of making visible the work of women publishers and their role within the framework of the cultural industry and the Galician publishing world.
10:15-11:15 h. Presentation of the project “A edición literaria na Galiza (1975-2000): avances e primeiros resultados” con Carme Fernández P-Sanjulián (UDC) and Ánxela Lema (UDC/Universitat de Barcelona).
11:30- 13:30 h. Editar libros: tres experiencias en primeira persoa, moderated by: Iria Sobrino Freire (UDC).
- Helena Pérez – Edicións Xerais
- Ana Guerra – Editorial Obradoiro
- Mª Xesús Gómez – Editorial Rodeira
13:30-15:00 h. Lunch.
15:00- 17:00 h. Working session with research team.
The team of the project “A edición literaria na Galiza, 1975-2000” is formed by a multidisciplinary group of researchers of the UDC: Iria Sobrino, Xosé Ramón Freixeiro, Ánxela Lema, Mª Obdulia Luis, Xoán L. Viñas, Inma Doval, Uxío-Breogán Diéguez e José Antonio Seijas, coordinated by Professor Carme Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián (ILLA-UDC).