latest news

Students from IES Miraflores de Oleiros Explore the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human-Machine Interfaces
CITIC researcher Adriana Dapena Janeiro delivered a talk titled “Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Human-Machine Interfaces” at IES Miraflores de Oleiros, aimed at students in their fourth year of ESO and first year of Bachillerato.

CITIC Hosts the Presentation of the AddVenture Program by UDC and USC to Promote Entrepreneurship
Today, CITIC of UDC hosted the presentation of the third edition of AddVenture, an entrepreneurship and innovation program promoted by the Social Councils of UDC and USC.

CITIC opens its doors to high school students from IES Agra do Orzán
The Research Center for Information and Communication Technologies at the Universidade da Coruña welcomed a group of around twenty first- and second-year high school students from IES Agra do Orzán on Tuesday, March 11.
Research Areas
Four research areas: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Engineering, High Performance Computing, Intelligent Networks and Services, and one cross-disciplinary stream: Cybersecurity.
Check the projects in which CITIC is involved.