The Official College and the Galician Association of Telecommunication Engineers awarded Talentos Inclusivos with the Amtega Prize for the Best ICT Project with Social Benefits.

27/09/2023 - CITIC

 The project Talentos Inclusivos has just been awarded the Amtega Prize for the Best ICT Project with Social Benefits, a distinction instituted by the Official College and the Association of Telecommunications Engineers of Galicia (COETG-AETG), in collaboration with the Agency for the Technological Modernization of Galicia (Amtega).

This recognition is part of the Galicia Telecommunications and Information Society Awards which, for yet another year, were granted by the Official College and the Galician Association of Telecommunication Engineers. Its purpose is to distinguish entrepreneurship, research and good practices in the field of Galician Information and Communication Technologies in various categories.

The Amtega Award is intended to highlight the best projects in the field of Information and Communication Technologies that contribute and bring benefits to society, so it recognizes each year the Best ICT Project with Social Benefits. That is why the jury valued as decisive reasons for this choice the approach of Talentos Inclusivos in solving a specific problem: to meet the special needs of people affected by brain damage.

The awards ceremony will take place on October 20 at the Finisterre Hotel in A Coruña as part of the Galician Telecommunications Night 2023. It will be attended by the award winners, institutional guests, companies in the sector, the group of telecommunications engineers and members of the board of directors of the Association and the Association.


Talentos Inclusivos

Talentos Inclusivos is a project developed in collaboration with CITIC (Center for Research in Information and Communication Technologies) and ASPACE (Spanish Confederation of Associations for the Care of Persons with Cerebral Palsy), and promoted by the FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology). Its purpose is to awaken STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) vocations in secondary and high school students who participate in the project by developing a series of technological challenges that are posed by ASPACE users. Most of them are proposals that help to improve the activities of daily living of people with cerebral palsy.