The Spanish Congress of Computer Science gathers from today in A Coruña over a thousand professionals from R&D and education in this field of knowledge.
- The organizing committee is chaired by María Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa and Juan Touriño Domínguez, researchers at CITIC and faculty members at UDC.
- Within this event, the Spanish Congress of Computer Graphics 2024 (CEIG) is also taking place, chaired by CITIC researcher José A. Iglesias Guitián from the Universidade da Coruña.
A Coruña, June 17, 2024.- The Spanish Congress of Computer Science (CEDI), the most significant national scientific meeting in the field of computer science, is currently gathering 1,100 professionals in A Coruña. It serves as a forum to promote research, institutional, and business synergies, offering opportunities to establish collaborative relationships and exchange scientific and technological knowledge.
The CEDI consists of a series of congresses held annually independently, which every four years are jointly organized at a single location under the CEDI denomination. The VII edition is taking place in A Coruña, from June 17 to 21, at the Faculty of Informatics of UDC and at the Exhibition and Congress Palace (Palexco). The organizing committee is chaired by María Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa and Juan Touriño Domínguez, researchers at CITIC and faculty members at UDC, on behalf of the Spanish Scientific Society for Computer Science (SCIE), which oversees the continuity of CEDI and awards the National Computer Science Awards.
CEDI contributes to the strategic project of the ICT City and to A Coruña’s recent designation as the headquarters of the State Agency for Supervision of Artificial Intelligence (AESIA), aiming to position the city, and Galicia in general, as a national and international reference in the ICT sector.
All information and the CEDI program can be found on their website: https://www.congresocedi.es/
Spanish Congress of Computer Graphics (CEIG’24)
Within this event, the 33rd edition of the Spanish Congress of Computer Graphics (CEIG’24) is also taking place, from today until the 19th. This event is organized by the Spanish Section of Eurographics (EGSE) with the support of CEDI, and is additionally endorsed by entities such as Adobe, SIE, Vicomtech, and Deep Design Systems S.L., as well as by the institutional support of CITIC, the Universidade da Coruña, and the Faculty of Informatics.
Among the main activities, two highly relevant invited lectures stand out: Ana Serrano from the University of Zaragoza, recipient of the Eurographics Young Researcher Award in 2023 and the IEEE VGTC Virtual Reality Significant New Research Award in 2024, will deliver a lecture titled “Study and modeling of user behavior and attention in immersive environments” today, June 17 at 11:30 a.m., in Classroom 2.9 of the Faculty of Informatics.
Jacopo Pantaleoni, former Nvidia and author of the recent book “The Quickest Revolution,” mathematician and expert in visual computing, will present his lecture “A Pixelated Revolution: on the Past, Present, and Future of Visual Computing” on Tuesday, June 18 at 12:00 p.m., in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Informatics. Pantaleoni is a pioneer in the field of computer graphics and special effects. He developed key technology for James Cameron’s film Avatar and worked for over 15 years as Principal Scientist at NVIDIA, designing the intricacies of the GPUs that power the world’s largest data centers and AI servers.
This year, the congress is chaired by researcher José A. Iglesias Guitián, currently a member of CITIC and the Department of Computer Science and Information Technologies at UDC. The local organizing team includes Emilio J. Padrón, Bea Blanco, and Manu Silva. The program committee is led by Julio Marco (University of Zaragoza) and Gustavo Patow (Universitat de Girona).