Adriana Dapena, first prize in Attention to Diversity at the III Teaching Innovation Awards of the UDC

24/11/2023 - CITIC

The University of A Coruña recognized the work of ten teachers whose projects combine learning and service to the community in the III Awards for Teaching Innovation Projects in Service-Learning. Among the winners is the CITIC researcher and UDC professor, Adriana Dapena Janeiro, who together with Paula María Castro Castro received the first prize in the category of Attention to Diversity for their project “Technology and Society”.

The service-learning methodology employed by Dapena promotes the integration of technology into society in an inclusive and diverse way, fostering social engagement and the acquisition of practical skills.

The awards carry a total cash prize of 3,000 euros, to be distributed between a first and second prize of 600 euros and 400 euros respectively, for each of the three categories: Sustainability, Attention to Diversity and Reduction of Inequalities.

The prizes awarded in this edition were the following: in the thematic line of Sustainability, María José Servia, winner of the first prize for the project “Ethology and Society” and Patricia Carballal Miñán, second classified for the work “Circular Ecoliterature: from the university to the school”. In the Attention to Diversity section, Adriana Dapena Janeiro and Paula María Castro Castro, with first place for the project “Technology and Society”, and Antonio Legerén Molina,  who won the second prize with the teaching initiative “One-to-one”.

Finally, in the category of Reduction of Inequalities, the winners were Raquel Veiga Seijo and María Cristina González Martín for “Promoting a healthy podolife in the community: a learning and service experience with homeless people within the framework of podiatry” and María Barba Núñez, Laura Cruz López and Patricia Digón Regueiro, who won second prize for the project “Through the waves with Radio Freely”.