Registration Open for the Summer Course on “Redesigning the Night Landscape”
This course will be held at CITIC on July 23 and 24, promoted by Universidade da Coruña in collaboration with the Slowlight Association.
This course will be held at CITIC on July 23 and 24, promoted by Universidade da Coruña in collaboration with the Slowlight Association.
The seventh edition of the XoveTIC Congress, organized by the Centro de Investigación en TIC da Universidade da Coruña (CITIC), is now underway and will take place on October 17 and 18, 2024. The abstract submission period is currently open, and from July 26, attendance registration will begin.
CITIC researcher Amparo Alonso participated on July 3 in the official presentation of The Key, the new school for technology sector professionals promoted by the Nortempo Group, at an event held in the Ciudad de las TIC.
Santiago de Compostela hosted the presentation of the work plan in Galicia for the Complementary Plan for Biotechnology Applied to Health (PCBAS) on Friday, June 28, which featured the participation of Susana Ladra and Manuel G. Penedo.
Talentos Inclusivos won the first prize in Social Innovation at the Maker Faire Galicia this past weekend.
Manuel G. Penedo, Director of CITIC, participated as a speaker in the biomedical course organized by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) and the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) in Santander.
David Rivas and Alberto Manzano presented their ideas at the last TIC Talk before the summer break.
The organizing committee of the VII Spanish Congress of Computer Science is chaired by Nieves R. Brisaboa and Juan Touriño Domínguez, researchers at CITIC.
The organizing committee is chaired by María Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa and Juan Touriño Domínguez, researchers at CITIC and faculty members at UDC.
The 15 participating educational centers presented the projects developed in this 2023/2024 academic year at a public event at the Ágora sociocultural center (A Coruña).
CITIC hosted the Advances Cycle yesterday with lectures by Isabel Rebollido from the European Space Astronomy Centre; Ester Lázaro from the Centro de Astrobiología of the CSIC; and Benjamín Montesinos from the Centro de Astrobiología of the CSIC and president of the Spanish Astronomical Society.
Salvador Naya will give the lecture “Transforming the Future Through Information: Data in the Digital Age” this Thursday at 7:00 PM at the headquarters of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Galicia.